Saturday, May 17, 2008


I saw a commercial for boating (yeah I know it's in french but you'll get the point) where a family waved at everybody they passed, on the escalator, in a store as they drove by, or to their neighbors. In each situation outside of boating, the person they were waiving to didn’t want to wave back (except the toddler which is another blog). Is it the experience of boating that causes a person to wave to another? What is it about a boat and a body of water that would prompt someone to wave to another? I would venture to say it has nothing to do with the water but what is expected of the person because they are boating. In the same way if you golf there is certain attire that you are supposed to wear, or Monday morning at the office there is a certain cliché you are supposed to say. It is not the person that determines the action but rather the situation that determines the action. Is that what Christ taught? Do we require an activity to prompt us to reach out to people, to let people we know they are valued, to demonstrate that the grace of Christ has no boundaries? I thought we were supposed to love our enemies, teach truth, admonish evil and in all things love Him and our neighbors as ourselves. So regardless if we are on a boat or golf course, shouldn’t we all wave to each other?

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